#55 – Boat Drinks

Day #55 – Boat Drinks

What is a boat drink, you might ask? Depending on who is answering, you might hear a hundred different suggestions or get multiple drink recipes. Someone might tell you they must have tequila in them, others might say rum. Someone might say they have to have fruit or fruit juice in them, while others might insist the drink must be blended. Others might say, whatever it is you are drinking, whether it is a cold beer or a tall iced tea, as long as it’s served with a paper umbrella in it, then it’s most likely a boat drink. Does it have to be served on a boat? Does it have to be served in warm weather? Perhaps your boat drink might include a dream of sunny weather while the snow falls down around you, which is what is hinted at in this fun and fabulous song of Jimmy’s, with no particular drink mentioned.


Original post from 10/26/2023

Day #55 – Boat Drinks

“This morning, I shot six holes in my freezer, I think I got cabin fever, Someone sound the alarm…”

If I hadn’t had planned on sharing this song already, the crappy roads last night and today would have reminded me. I don’t even mind all the snow, it’s the icy roads that I am no fan of, although it’s by no means terrible yet…

…I am not ready to shoot my freezer, I swear! However, today seems like a good day to share this classic of Jimmy’s.

Boat Drinks was released on JB’s 1979 album Volcano. It was released on the B-side of the single Survive, but never on its own. Which is ironic, because it’s one of Jimmy’s more popular songs and it is a staple of his live shows. People understand this song and the meaning behind it.

I don’t know that Jimmy hated winter, but I don’t think he loved it either. He grew up on the gulf coast where it rarely froze and hardly ever snowed. I have never once seen a picture of him in the snow, although one must exist.

Jimmy was in Boston in February of 1979, and winter must have been particularly unpleasant for him, because it inspired him to write this song. Although he used his trademark sense of humor and wit to take the edge off a bitter experience.

In his Parrothead Handbook, he tells a story about being in Boston, staying at a hockey players place, one Derek Sanderson of the Boston Bruins. I’m not sure how long he was there for, but it was winter, and it was crappy, and one night he exited a bar late after playing a gig. The weather was cold, and he couldn’t flag down a cab. But apparently one was idling outside with no driver…

According to Jimmy’s recollection, he was too cold to wait and too cold to care, so he got in that cab and drove it home. He swears he left the fare on the seat, but he knew he needed to escape to a warmer climate. Between that incident and looking through several magazines advertising tropical getaways, he was inspired to write this song.

The song is both fun and funny and it sums up how we can all get frustrated and plainly over winter. Of course, I am not close to that this early in the season, but come January or February, I start itching for spring. And I start listening to Boat Drinks and dreaming of warmer weather.

“Waitress, I need two more boat drinks…”

Please enjoy Boat Drinks and remember it when winter really decides to set in. I have included the link in the comments below. 


I don’t know if the type of drink really matters, or even what kind of booze is stirred into it. I think what is most important is that the drink takes you to a different place. And I don’t mean in terms of drunken hallucinations… but more along the lines of where your imagination can take you. Of course, an actual tropical island in the Bahamas with drinks being served in coconut shells with fruit and umbrellas would be great, no one can deny that. But sometimes it’s about transporting your mind to a location, not your body. Every time I hear this song, drink in hand or not, it transports me somewhere warm and sunny with sand sticking to my feet. So, thank you, Jimmy!


Please enjoy Boat Drinks. I have included the link below. Enjoy!

The link is from Jimmy’s official YouTube channel, which I have no personal affiliation with.

Stacy Loves Buffett

I was born and raised and still live in Montana- far, far away from the sea and the beaches that Jimmy Buffett loved and wrote about and promoted with his music and laid-back lifestyle, but I caught the bug and have been a proud Parrothead since I was nineteen years old, and I will proudly continue to carry that banner for help others appreciate the gift of his music.

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