#67 – I Heard I Was In Town

Day #67 – I Heard I Was In Town

From the Parrothead Handbook in Jimmy’s own words when talking, not only about this song, but about himself and stories about himself in general, “I’m amused by the rumors that crop up out of nowhere about me and what I’ve done. I have been spotted at parties by drug agents when I was actually two thousand miles away. I have bought ocean liners. I have been seen on stage in countries where I have never set foot, and have played golf on courses that I have never seen. Word just seems to get around”- Jimmy Buffett.

I imagine there was a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his lips as he penned those words. Still, I imagine there is a certain change that comes with fame that makes things never feel quite the same again.


Original post from 11/7/2023

Day #67 – I Heard I Was In Town

I Heard I Was In Town was released on JB’s 1882 album Somewhere Over China.

Came to see friends, Walk old streets again, Grab a bite and a beer by the sea…”

This song is soft, gentle, emotional with all the beautiful lyrical quality that Jimmy puts into his songwriting. It’s a tender nod to Jimmy’s hometown of the previous ten years, a ballad to Key West and its people.

But honestly, this song has a quality that ties to any hometown or place you kick off your shoes and rest awhile.

Jimmy’s life had changed a lot since he showed up in Key West, taking a detour from Nashville, which turned out to be quite fortuitous for his career. The town fit him and his laid-back-but-know-how-to-have-a-good-time vibe. In those almost ten years, he had made nine studio records and had a huge hit live album You Had To Be There and, oh yes, he had a hit single called Margaritaville that changed so many things.

I was a madman in a pickup truck, so many years ago…”

He was touring about a third of the year, was married with a young child, splitting his time between homes in St. Barts and Aspen, on demand for interviews and appearances. The changes might have been welcome, but still overwhelming at times. But he never forgot the places he had been, especially the places that meant so much to him.

Passed the old joints, My favorite haunts, We’d stay for twelve or ten…

In 2011, Jimmy did a surprise concert in Key West for the biggest Parrothead convention of them all, Meeting Of The Minds. It was the 20th annual convention, and it was quite a time in the destination known as Key West. Duval Street was packed for the show and Jimmy casually opened the concert by saying, “I heard I was in town…” and his trademark smile. Screaming and cheers erupted in a crowd that was well aware of his music catalog.

Changes have come like the storms of the season, But time here still moves slow…”

Change does come eventually, for everyone and everything. Jimmy left us this September, on Labor Day weekend, the classic end of summer, potentially symbolic of his “summer” ending. For multiple reasons, MOTM’s has left Key West for the first time in almost thirty years and moved to the Alabama coast, very near to where Jimmy was born and raised.

Yet this year, in February, Jimmy did four smaller shows in two venues that meant so much to him. He didn’t really advertise it because he wanted it to be for locals to Key West, a place that meant so much to him and his music. I have listened to them all and they are wonderful and charming and low key.

Came to see friends, Walk old streets again, Maybe strike up a tune with the moon…”

But just like most other times when Jimmy popped into town, people were aware…

Ain’t it quite funny word gets around, I heard I was in town…”

In his Parrothead Handbook, Jimmy wrote about this song, “For the people of Key West, past, present, and future.”

I hope you enjoy listening to I Heard I Was In Town. It’s a beautiful, poignant song. I have included the link in the comments below. 


I was in Key West in May of 2022. Unfortunately, I did not run into Jimmy Buffett while roaming the streets, but in February of 2023, a picture of him popped up on Facebook, outside of Louie’s Backyard. It was from Jimmy’s official page and shared by the Louie’s Backyard official page and included the song lyrics from “I Heard I Was In Town”.

From the comments at the time, it seems he just walked in, no announcement made, very casual like. To say Hi and grab a bit to eat. That is how I like to think of Jimmy in Key West, quietly strolling around his favorite haunts, smiling and talking to people, enjoying a place he called home for many years, and I believe a place that part of his heart always will call home.


Please enjoy I Heard I Was In Town. I have included the link below. Enjoy!

The link is from Jimmy’s official YouTube channel, which I have no personal affiliation with.

Stacy Loves Buffett

I was born and raised and still live in Montana- far, far away from the sea and the beaches that Jimmy Buffett loved and wrote about and promoted with his music and laid-back lifestyle, but I caught the bug and have been a proud Parrothead since I was nineteen years old, and I will proudly continue to carry that banner for help others appreciate the gift of his music.

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