Day #47 – Jolly Mon Sing

Day #47 – Jolly Mon Sing

In the Parrothead Handbook that came in the box set of Boats, Beaches, Bars and Ballads, Jimmy writes, “dolphins gliding along beneath the bow of a ship, effortlessly crossing the wake and doing flips, set off a big wave of human jealousy. If we are so smart, why can’t we do that?” That is a wonderful question. He goes on to say that he wrote the picture book version of this song along with his daughter, with the understanding that “humans can learn from animals, and that the natural world has room for all of our needs”. Of course, he means human and animal needs alike. Perhaps nature as well? I think it’s beautiful that this idea is something he felt strongly enough about to teach to his daughter. And by means of the song, and the accompanying story, he taught us as well.


Original post from 10/18/2023

Day #47 – Jolly Mon Sing

Jolly Mon Sing was on Jimmy’s 1985 album Last Mango In Paris. It is all fun and flare and fantasy packed into a little boat with a huge message. And all the Caribbean charm and steel drums you could possibly imagine!

This song isn’t necessarily for children because I know many adults who love it dearly, but it does tie to children. Jimmy’s oldest daughter, Savannah Jane, was seven or eight when this song came out, and Jimmy and she cowrote a lovely children’s book called The Jolly Mon, based on the events in the song. It’s actually quite fabulous and I’ve gifted this book several times. He and Savannah eventually cowrote two books together, and there are some priceless interviews of the two of them floating around the internet.

“And they wanted him to sing on the island near and far, He always found his was by Orion lucky star, He’d tell them of their joys, He’d tell them of their woes, They loved to see him come, They’d hate to see him go…”

This song touches on stories and mythology and helps us see a world far bigger than ourselves. It’s about a kind, musical character who lives on a boat, sailing from island to island bringing music to the places he lands. And then he has an encounter with wicked pirates who toss him into the sea. But he is saved by a dolphin, who tells him to grab on and don’t let go. Eventually he and the dolphin become tied to the celestial sky.

“The night was filled with magic and they swam into the stars…”

What’s not to love about a song with the magic of the ocean and the stars, with a bonus mention of my favorite constellation Orion!

Please enjoy Jolly Mon Sing! It’s such a positive, fun song! I’ve included the link in the comments below! 


I am always curious about inspiration when it comes to a song or a story. What was Jimmy’s first idea or concept when it came to creating this song? A dolphin, a guitar, a sailor, a small boat in a big sea, the stars, a lesson in human behavior? What did the cowriters, Will Jennings and Michael Utley, contribute and what did Jimmy contribute to the final product? Was the message intended in the writing, or did the message come after the lyrics fell into place? And even though I have the questions, maybe the answers are not important.

What is important is the song. What is important is the story. What is important is how it touches so many people, young and old. What is important is that we have this beautiful, mystical, and thoughtful song and story, no matter how it came to be.


Please enjoy Jolly Mon Sing. I have included the link below. Enjoy!

The link is from Jimmy’s official YouTube channel, which I have no personal affiliation with.

Stacy Loves Buffett

I was born and raised and still live in Montana- far, far away from the sea and the beaches that Jimmy Buffett loved and wrote about and promoted with his music and laid-back lifestyle, but I caught the bug and have been a proud Parrothead since I was nineteen years old, and I will proudly continue to carry that banner for help others appreciate the gift of his music.

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