Day #12 – Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season

Day #12 – Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season

Last year in May, I was able to make another trip to Key West and one evening we had dinner at Louie’s Backyard, upstairs on a little balcony overlooking the ocean and a huge palm tree. I knew that Jimmy had lived next door and it just felt so perfect to be in that place, looking at views he had no doubt looked at. Now, full disclosure, it was beautiful that night in Key West, there were no squalls, no waterspouts, it wasn’t Sunday and I had a Mojito instead of a Bloody Mary. I did walk along A1A earlier in the day, so I got that part right, and I felt like I could be in this song.

That is the kind of picture Jimmy could create with words and a tune. There is really not much more to say.


-Original post from 9/13/2023-

Day #12 – Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season

This song was on JB’s 1974 masterpiece album, A1A. The song was never released as a single but it is absolute poetry set to music. It’s soft yet gritty; about storms and hangovers and Bloody Mary’s for solace, and the beauty of inspiration and song writing.

I seriously couldn’t pick out my favorite verse because I love each line so much, but here is one:

“I was feeling tired, then I got inspired,

I knew that it wouldn’t last long,

So all alone, I walked back home,

Sat on my beach, then I made up this song”

Jimmy literally wrote his life into this song. The avenue is A1A, the bar next door is Louie’s Backyard, the sky is gray, there are squalls on the gulfstream and people are watching for waterspouts – so Key West! I love this one and am in awe of a songwriters ability to turn a stormy day and a hangover into this masterpiece.

Every time I hear this song, it stops me in my tracks, and forever will. Please enjoy Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season. I’ve included the link in the comments below.


Of course, I have focused on the literal aspect of this song, but there are layers woven in that touch on the storms of life that can affect us. Small ones on a day-to-day basis, or large ones that can alter our whole lives. It’s about how we deal with those storms. Sometimes we need to hole-up and hide for a bit, rest and reset, and then when we are ready, we can emerge, either to face the storm or face the aftermath. It’s different for everyone. Either way, it’s a song about surviving.

This is one of Jimmy’s best. I think it must absolutely convey exactly what life was like at that time and place, and on multiple levels. One of the things that is so magical about Jimmy’s music is that he could make the ordinary seem extraordinary, and that is exactly what he does with this song!


Please enjoy Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season. I have included the link below. Enjoy!

The link is from Jimmy’s official YouTube channel, which I have no personal affiliation with.

Stacy Loves Buffett

I was born and raised and still live in Montana- far, far away from the sea and the beaches that Jimmy Buffett loved and wrote about and promoted with his music and laid-back lifestyle, but I caught the bug and have been a proud Parrothead since I was nineteen years old, and I will proudly continue to carry that banner for help others appreciate the gift of his music.

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