#59 – Here We Are

Day #59 – Here We Are

“Who would have thought this game, this flame would still be burning, who would have guessed that all these blenders would still be churning” leads the way, and also gives us the magnificent acknowledgement of “here we are, for a family reunion, costume barbeque, all the black sheep, family outcasts and a freak or two”. Why would I even try to say it any better than this marvelous song already says for us? I couldn’t, even if I tried. Jimmy already says it perfectly in this homage to his beautiful, enthusiastic fan base.


Original post from 10/30/2023

Day #59 – Here We Are

Here We Are was part of JB’s 2006 album Take The Weather With You but it’s a little different than the rest for a couple reasons.

“Here we are, with our fins up, and our feathers flashing…”

Firstly, it’s a video not an audio file. It certainly includes a new song, one that was written by Jimmy and Matt Betton, but you couldn’t pop this song into your car CD player and listen as you drive.

It was a video file, so you needed a PC to view it. And it was hidden, sort of like a bonus track. Jimmy did that occasionally with songs, but I believe this video file was a first.

The second thing that sets this apart is that it was written about Jimmy’s fans, and for Jimmy’s fans. It’s a tribute to the beautiful, crazy, fun and funky Parrotheads.

This video and song were actually played at Jimmy’s concerts that summer, the Party At The End Of The World Tour of 2006. I believe that some of the footage changed each show to include photos and videos of that days’ crowd, but most of it remained from the corps video.

So people seeing the concerts that year were actually seeing a tribute to themselves on a huge screen surrounded by thousands of other fans – how cool is that?

Parrotheads certainly love Jimmy, but this song and video show just how much Jimmy loved and appreciated his fans.

“Here we are, with our coconut shell brassieres chanting…”

The video opens and closes with pictures of Jimmy, and one near the end is him in a Cubs jersey in the Bleachers at Wrigley Field, which of course makes my heart smile every time I see it.

And there are many humorous and enjoyable shots of Jimmy’s crazy fan base, showing up in July like it’s Halloween or a Mardi Gras parade!

Please enjoy the video tribute to Jimmy’s fans, Here We Are. Remember it was filmed almost 18 years ago, so technically might seem a little rough by today’s standards, but that doesn’t change the emotion behind the tribute. I have included the video link in the comments below. 


I never get tired of this song, and I never get tired of this video, even after all the years. I think its beautiful how Jimmy acknowledged his crazy, fun fan base. And shows how much I believe he appreciated his crazy, fun fan base. We certainly appreciate him, and all he gave to us! If it wasn’t for Jimmy, there would not be Parrotheads!


Please enjoy Here We Are. I have included the link below. Enjoy!

The link is from miketheparrothead’s YouTube channel, which I have no personal affiliation with. (If Jimmy has a version of this on his official channel, I can’t find it, but I truly appreciate the version that I have shared and it’s been on YouTube for years, and has close to one million views)

Stacy Loves Buffett

I was born and raised and still live in Montana- far, far away from the sea and the beaches that Jimmy Buffett loved and wrote about and promoted with his music and laid-back lifestyle, but I caught the bug and have been a proud Parrothead since I was nineteen years old, and I will proudly continue to carry that banner for help others appreciate the gift of his music.

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