#74 – Growing Older But Not Up

Day #74 – Growing Older But Not Up

Most of Jimmy Buffett’s music is quite positive, even if it deep dives into harder life issues, like growing older. I think his humor, his creativity, his adventurous spirit and his unique outlook on life translated into his music, giving us real life struggles that made us realize that while he was a bare-footed, board short wearing king of all he created there up on that stage, he was just as human as the rest of us. With aches and pains and accidents that plague us all at times. This song in particular lets us understand Jimmy’s struggles, but how he overcame them with positivity, and shared that positivity with us in his music.


Original post from 11/14/2023

Day #74 – Growing Older But Not Up

Growing Older But Not Up was released on JB’s 1981 album Coconut Telegraph.

I have always loved this song. As a matter of fact, it has always reminded me of my Dad, who seems to fit this mentality quite a bit, which is just fine with me.

I’m growing older but not up, my metabolic rate is pleasantly stuck…”

This song has been on my list since the beginning of this whole tribute to Jimmy and his music, but it’s been hard to share. Since his passing, it’s been difficult to know that he no longer is growing older, leaving this song feeling very bittersweet.

But as I grow closer to wrapping this sharing of JB’s music up, I feel it’s a bit of a disservice not to share it. This song has all of Jimmy’s humor and heart. It’s catchy and heartfelt and explores the idea of aging yet keeping a youthful mindset.

Jimmy was thirty-four going on thirty-five when this was released, but he was already toying with the issue of aging. He had certainly put some miles on his body by the time he wrote this song.

I rounded first, never thought of the worst, As I studied the shortstop’s position, Crack went my leg, like the shell of an egg, Someone call a decent physician…”

In 1978, Jimmy was playing in a softball game in May in Florida. He pretty much sums up the experience in the lyrics of this song, but the song doesn’t mention that he never slowed down. Never stopped touring or performing, which probably didn’t help his leg heal very well. Two days after the fracture, with a palm tree painted on his cast, he appeared on Saturday Night Live with his foot propped up on a prop boat they had on set. The show must go on …

In a 1981 appearance on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, Jimmy reported he broke his leg three times in one year. Once in that softball game in Florida, later that same year in New York City when he “slid off a barstool”, and at the end of the year, while skiing, probably in Colorado. I am pretty sure those were all re-exacerbations of the initial fracture that didn’t heal well.

Jimmy goes on to say in that interview that he has a plate in that ankle and sets off metal detectors whenever he traveled, but that’s probably what was needed to get the leg to mend.

In his live version of Margaritaville Jimmy will exchange the lyrics “cut my foot on a pop-top” to “broke my leg twice” and I’ve heard him say “thrice” too.

In this song, Jimmy throws in a pop culture nod to Pete Rose, who was known for sprinting full steam ahead to first base, even when he hit a home run, earning himself the nickname Charlie Hustle.

Sometimes I see me as an old manatee, heading south as the waters grow colder…”

Jimmy had a soft spot for the Florida Manatee, otherwise known as a sea cow, and that makes an appearance in this song as well. A chance conversation after a show triggered him and senator Bob Graham to start the Save the Manatee Club. Jimmy served as the initial chairperson in 1981 and was still serving as co-chair at the time of his passing. He dedicated years to education and fundraising efforts to protect the manatee.

In 2019 Jimmy had an interview with Rolling Stone magazine and he was asked how he would like to be remembered. His reply was, “He had a good time and made a lot of people happy”. I think you succeeded Jimmy!

Let the winds of change blow over my head, I’d rather die while I’m living than live while I’m dead…”

I hope you enjoy Growing Older But Not Up. I have included the link in the comments below.


Looking back on how hard it was for me to initially share this song, because Jimmy was no longer growing older, I can say now, that while life has and will be different with his passing, Jimmy blessed us with a treasure trove of music and stories and in that way, he will continue to live on. And on and on and on, hopefully spread to new people and new generations for ages.


Please enjoy Growing Older But Not Up. I have included the link below. Enjoy!

The link is from Jimmy’s official YouTube channel, which I have no personal affiliation with.

Stacy Loves Buffett

I was born and raised and still live in Montana- far, far away from the sea and the beaches that Jimmy Buffett loved and wrote about and promoted with his music and laid-back lifestyle, but I caught the bug and have been a proud Parrothead since I was nineteen years old, and I will proudly continue to carry that banner for help others appreciate the gift of his music.

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