#63 – My Gummie Just Kicked In

Day #63 – My Gummie Just Kicked In

It seems like Jimmy usually included the pulse of current culture in his music, as well as being at the “right time, right place” often in his life. This song combines both of those into a humorous story set to music. And through in one of The Beatles for fun, and you are sure to have something magical in the making.


Original post from 11/3/2023

Day #63 – My Gummie Just Kicked In

My Gummie Just Kicked In is from JB’s 2023 album Equal Strain On All Parts.

Yes, this year! Today, actually! Equal Strain On All Parts, Jimmy’s 32nd studio recorded album was released today.

There are a few covers on it, but most of the songs have been written or co-written by Jimmy. I know I have wanted to share a song from this new album, but I wasn’t sure which one. I also knew I wanted to wait until the official release date, so I’m glad today is finally here. My short list had four songs on it, and it feels like today calls for something with a little humor to lighten the energy.

I have mentioned before that Jimmy seemed to have a fine knack for being in the right place at the right time. Or he had an ability to turn any random phrase or bathroom wall graffiti into lyrical magic, and this song is absolutely both.

Paul McCartney and his wife Nancy play a significant role in this song. At a dinner party, with Jimmy seated near Nancy and Paul seated further down, near Jimmy’s wife Jane, a humorous response lite Jimmy’s songwriting fire.

Nancy stumbled while sitting, and Jimmy checked to see if she was okay, Nancy quickly replied “I’m fine, my gummie just kicked in”. Jimmy, inspired, said that’s great, and “can I have that line” and with her permission, another song was born.

“A summer party on the South Shore, Wine and laughter and a little bit more, From a pretty girl next to me, Out of the blue, Came a proclamation only heard by few.”

Not only did Jimmy write a song with humor and wit and charm, but the great Paul McCartney loved it and ended up playing bass on the recording. There is a studio video of the recording of this song and it’s really fun to watch Jimmy and Paul, two professionals in the recording field, in action and having fun.

“Don’t know where I’m going, Don’t know where I’ve been, All I know for certain, Is my gummie just kicked in.”

While I’m not sure this will be my favorite song on this album, I absolutely love the humor in it. It’s a little zany, and a lot “what did he just say”! And it was the song that first connected me to the reality of this new record, long before Jimmy’s passing in September.

Please enjoy My Gummie Just Kicked In, with a side of Paul McCartney playing bass guitar. It’s intended to be light and fun and humorous, so please listen to it with that in mind. I have included the link in the comments below. 


Making music is an interesting thing, and I admit to knowing very little about the process of recording a studio album, or even one song. But as a fan, I was excited to see a little bit of footage that was recorded and released in a video for this song that details some of the fun studio experiences involved in the recording of this song. Of course, anytime I can see Jimmy smiling and, in his element, enjoying the process of making music and all of the people around him, makes my heart happy.

I did not include that video on my original post, but I would like to now, hoping that being able to see Jimmy in the studio will also make anyone who watches it smile and make their hearts happy, too.


Please enjoy My Gummie Just Kicked In. I have included the links below. Enjoy!

Official Studio Version

Behind The Scenes Video Version

The links are from Jimmy’s official YouTube channel, which I have no personal affiliation with.

Stacy Loves Buffett

I was born and raised and still live in Montana- far, far away from the sea and the beaches that Jimmy Buffett loved and wrote about and promoted with his music and laid-back lifestyle, but I caught the bug and have been a proud Parrothead since I was nineteen years old, and I will proudly continue to carry that banner for help others appreciate the gift of his music.

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