Author: Stacy Loves Buffett

#63 – My Gummie Just Kicked In

It seems like Jimmy usually included the pulse of current culture in his music, as well as being at the “right time, right place” often in his life. This song combines both of those into a humorous story set to music. And through in one of The Beatles for fun, and you are sure to have something magical in the making.

#62 – Stranded On A Sandbar

A sandbar is exactly what it sounds like, a bank or bar of sand, usually at the mouth of a river, but also can be along the coast. They can be pretty stationary, or they can move, depending on the strength of the water current. They can be likened to shoals, dunes or spits. In a metaphorical sense, a sandbar can be defined as a boundary that we get stuck on, or a barrier that keeps us from moving forwards, backwards or any direction at all.

#61 – Tin Cup Chalice

A chalice is a large cup or goblet, usually ornate and for the drinking of wine. It tends to be associated with people or environments that are expensive and affluent. A tin cup gives the impression of the opposite of what people think of when it comes to fancy drinking glasses, more “salt of the earth” than luxurious or exclusive. Of course, Jimmy saw the juxtaposition and wrote it beautifully into this poignant and soulful song.

#60 – Slack Tide

“I wish the whole wide world could swim along at slack tide”, the lyrics say, along with “Out here, conflicts and chaos completely subside”. There is so much to appreciate in the words to his song and the message it sends. Each time I listen, something else stands out to me, or it triggers something in a different way.

#59 – Here We Are

“Who would have thought this game, this flame would still be burning, Who would have guessed that all these blenders would still be churning” leads the way, and also gives us the magnificent acknowledgement of “here we are, for a family reunion, costume barbeque, all the black sheep, family outcasts and a freak or two”. Why would I even try to say it any better than this marvelous song already says for us? I couldn’t, even if I tried. Jimmy already says it perfectly in this homage to his beautiful, enthusiastic fan base.

#58 – A Mile High In Denver

Denver Colorado is called “the Mile High City” because its official elevation is listed at 5280 feet, exactly one mile. Looking into information on where exactly this elevation is measured from reveals it be the 13th step on the west side of the State Capital Building. Now, why that is the official measurement spot is a bit bizarre, but regardless of a couple of feet or not, Denver sits at a very interesting elevation. Cities need nicknames, and this is a pretty great one. There is no doubt in my mind, that Jimmy heard that nickname and ran with it, maybe starting with a title or a few lyrics and eventually coming up with a charming song about the Colorado Rocky Mountains based on a city with an iconic nickname.

#57 – Only Time Will Tell

Time is a funny thing, isn’t it? Somedays I feel like I am as young as I was thirty years ago, and some days I am feeling all the changes that thirty years brings to life and my physical body. I would think many people have a similar feeling.

In some ways, our lives have changed a lot in thirty years, and in some ways, many of the questions pondered in this song remain just as accurate today as they did then. Realizing that brings a special kind of awareness to life. How special life is, how fragile life is; awareness about how many things have changed and yet how many things remain the same. And wondering if that is how life is supposed to be?

#56 – Presents To Send You

I have learned a lot of interesting things about the inspiration for many of Jimmy’s songs during this song tribute, and this one is no different. This song has proved to be quite interesting, much more than I had realized at first, and I have a feeling that details will continue to pop up. One thing I didn’t realize when I first posted about the incident that inspired at least some of this song, was that on that day in Nashville, when Jimmy Buffet and Sammy Creason stepped into the ring (or parking lot) with Buford Pusser, earlier on that very day, they had ironically recorded God’s Own Drunk in a studio for Living And Dying In ¾ Time, which led to celebrating with too much tequila, getting themselves “God’s Own Drunk”, which led to a few questionable choices.

#55 – Boat Drinks

What is a boat drink, you might ask? Depending on who is answering, you might hear a hundred different suggestions or get multiple drink recipes. Someone might tell you they must have tequila in them, others might say rum. Someone might say they have to have fruit or fruit juice in them, while others might insist the drink must be blended. Others might say, whatever it is you are drinking, whether it is a cold beer or a tall iced tea, as long as it’s served with a paper umbrella in it, then it’s most likely a boat drink. Does it have to be served on a boat? Does it have to be served in warm weather? Perhaps your boat drink might include a dream of sunny weather while the snow falls down around you, which is what is hinted at in this fun and fabulous song of Jimmy’s, with no particular drink mentioned.

#54 – I Will Play For Gumbo

If you look on the internet, you can probably find a thousand different recipes for gumbo. Each has similarities and each has differences. There are both slight and significant variations. Influence can range from tradition to location to inspiration. In that sense, gumbo feels a lot like Jimmy Buffett’s music, and maybe that is why gumbo was one of Jimmy’s favorite southern dishes.