Category: More Monday Music


#112 – Savannah Fare You Well

Sometimes a song catches your attention because of the instrumentation, sometimes it the lyrics. Savannah Fare You Well is one of those songs that fits into both of those categories. It has an almost haunting quality, with a little darkness and a little shimmering imagery, and once you hear it, it will stick with you. Just the other day, the lyrics lamenting “fragile magic” and a “some devil’s mixing fire and ice together,” drifted out from my car radio, and this month’s song presented itself.

#111 – Weather With You

It seems like the recent weather news had been riddled with winter storm warnings, zig zagging across the map, looking more like toddler scribbles on a piece of paper than any organized weather system, although, predicting the weather probably isn’t easy. And winter storm warnings, perhaps more than any other, can bring a serious case of anxiety and dread. Which doesn’t help lighten anyone’s mood… and this song popped right into my head, as well as right onto my car radio courtesy of RadioMargaritaville.

Weather With You…Because the idea of your mood shifting the weather around you might sound like a science fiction plot, but in many ways, our moods are like weather, and they can shape the overall feeling of our environment, or the room that we happen to walk into.