Tagged: Mac McAnally

#82 – Johnny’s Rhum

“I had a dream I was down at Jojo’s, Havin’ a burger ‘neath the setting sun, Johnny was sitting in the corner, Sippin’ on a glass of Depaz Rhum…”

Of all the songs on Jimmy’s posthumous album, this one took me completely unaware, and captivated a bit of my soul when I first heard it. And each and every time I hear it, I still feel the same way. Cataloging favorites is hard, so all I am going to say is that this song is special.

Johnny’s Rhum was released on JB’s 2023 album Equal Strain On All Parts. It turned out to be a posthumous album release, although I do not necessarily believe it was intended to be. Whatever its intent, this is an album full of wonderful songs and each is special in its own way.

#69 – When The Coast Is Clear

Much of Jimmy’s music can be looked at on different levels, and this song is a great example. The “coast is clear” can refer to the end of summer and the quiet, clear beaches that are left in the wake of humans retreating at the end of summer. It can also simply mean the weather is clear, with no storm or clouds on the horizon. In that sense, it’s not just about weather, though, because it can metaphor for safety. Depending on my mood, this song strikes me a little differently each time I hear it, although I always recognize how beautiful it is.