Tagged: Montana

#91 – Wonder Why We Ever Go Home

Wonder Why We Ever Go Home is a song that Jimmy Buffett wrote in the seventies, having had a couple twists and turns and reinventions along the way, before making its final form appearance on his noteworthy 1977 album, commonly referred to as “Changes” to his fans. It is soft and reflective, soulful and sad, and seems to capture the deeper parts of Jimmy’s songwriting talents.

#85 – Miss You So Badly

Miss You So Badly is one of those Jimmy Buffett songs that has always held a special place in my heart because it mentions a well-known mountain town in the lyrics as if it was a character in a story- Missoula. Therefore, appealing to this Montana girl, even though I am very much a flat lander from the northeastern plains of the Treasure State. It is probably one of the lesser-known songs on JB’s hit album Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes, but the very first time I heard it, the mention of Missoula certainly pricked my ears and made me curious about Jimmy’s time in Montana. And it has now led me down a little trip of Montana history.

Day #40 – Ringling, Ringling

This song was a result of a summer or two or three that Jimmy spent in Montana in the early seventies. It is a song that has certainly made its mark on Ringling, Montana, and it has made its mark on me as well. I can’t say what kind of mark it has made on Jimmy Buffett or his career, but according to setlist.fm, he has played this song 50 times in live shows, which isn’t to shabby, considering that is more song plays than the current population of Ringling.