Tagged: Shrimpboat Sound

#104 – Lage Nom Ai

Some songs just catch your attention from the moment you hear them, even if you have no idea what the song is about or if you are even sure what the lyrics are, and Lage Nom Ai is one of those songs. It’s almost impossible not to hear it and sing along.  You might even find yourself tapping a foot, swaying to the music, or just getting up and dancing in place. Lage Nom Ai is that kind of song.

#101 – Bring Back The Magic

When you think of Jimmy Buffett music and the word “magic”, probably the first thought would go to Little Miss Magic, a song that Jimmy wrote for his oldest daughter Savannah Jane when she was quite young, or songs such as He Went To Paris, which has “magic” so strongly tied to the message of the song, or if one wants to get philosophical, then one could imagine that “magic” runs through much of Jimmy’s music, but a song with both “magic” in the title as well as a thread in the song, is Bring Back The Magic.