Tagged: The Paul Leslie Hour
Sometimes a song catches your attention because of the instrumentation, sometimes it the lyrics. Savannah Fare You Well is one of those songs that fits into both of those categories. It has an almost haunting quality, with a little darkness and a little shimmering imagery, and once you hear it, it will stick with you. Just the other day, the lyrics lamenting “fragile magic” and a “some devil’s mixing fire and ice together,” drifted out from my car radio, and this month’s song presented itself.
Some songs just catch you at the right moment or at a special time, and become a part of your story, and then there are just some songs that will catch you no matter what is going on, regardless of time or place or space. Ballad Of Spider John is one of those songs. It has a soulful lyrical quality, a melody that hums right through you and has hints of great mystery, of love and then loss and the loneliness that can follow while we carry forward in life.
“’Spider John’ is my name, friend, I’m in between freights and I sure would be obliged, If you’d share your company…”